Some examples of our customs optimization services

Screening of companies engaged in import customs activities

According to the Common Customs Tariff of the EU, imported goods are assigned a product classification. The duty to be paid is determined by the applied customs tariff (lower duty rate = less levied duty).

The origin of the imported goods may result in a lower import duty. In case of production for export, the purchase price of the manufactured product can be reduced. (preferential treatment of origin = less duty imposed).

The customs value is based on the leviable duty. The duty itself is a certain percentage of the customs value (ad valorem duty). This value is increased by certain factors and decreased by others. We will examine these factors (lower customs value = less levied duties).

Our services in this area:
We review the customs activities of the companies and draw attention to the fact that the above factors are regulated on a legal basis where customs savings can be achieved.
In order to achieve risk-free customs savings, we provide binding tariff information whenever possible.

Application for customs suspension and customs quota

Our services in this area:
1. We examine the conditions of tariff suspensions and tariff quotas - if savings are possible.
2. We will prepare the documentation required for customs suspension and/or quota declaration.
3. We represent our client during the process.
4. In the case of an approved suspension and/or quota, we help you obtain customs savings (retroactive if possible).

Support during the dumping procedure

Our services in this area:
1. We are monitoring the started dumping procedure.
2. We inform our customers if they are affected by the initiated procedure.
3. If necessary, we support and represent clients before the EU Commission.

Obtaining customs permits

Our services in this area:
1. We assess the benefits provided by the licenses.
2. We carry out the feasibility and authorization analysis.
3. We provide assistance during licensing (from preparation to filing to receiving the license)